Ch Salatini Poeme
Sire: Moonpenny Poet Of Fleetgrace Dam: Tamoretta Mirabile Visu At Salatini
Poeme was a star from the offset winning numerous Best Puppy in Breeds at Ch Shows making her Top Italian Greyhound Puppy Bitch in breed 1997. She was also Top Italian Greyhound in 1999.
She won 10 CC's, 5 RCC's & was several times BIS at the IG Club Shows.
She won the BCC at Crufts 1999 under Breed Specialist Mrs Pam Heap
She won Best of Breed at Crufts 2001 under Breed specialist Mrs Valerie Ford & made the final cut of the Toy Group.
She also won the Toy Group at Three Counties 2001.

Ch Salatini Poeme Best of breed at Crufts 2001

Ch Salatini Poeme winning the Toy Group at Three Counties Ch Show 2001

Ch Salatini Poeme Top Puppy Bitch in Breed 1997